General C-Section Information

These general websites are a great place to start to learn about c-sections or to get answers to specific questions. Also see the FAQ.

What Every Pregnant Woman Needs to Know about Cesarean Birth: Childbirth Connection (part of the National Partnership for Women & Families) publication which covers all the basics about c-sections. Does not include information about healing, but is a good place to start when learning about c-sections and issues which can contribute to them. Updated in 2016.

Caesarean Birth: Your Guide & Resource To Caesareans: This was a great site that seems to have become defunct in mid-2012 (now linked to via the InternetArchive WaybackMachine). It covers a great range of recovery issues including everything from "Caesarean Related Pains & Discomforts" to "Caring For a Caesarean Incision". This site has a wealth of information organized well and tackling all the issues you could hope for. Take a look here for tips, answers to questions and information about VBACs. To quote the site directly: "The goal of CaesareanBirth.Com is to create a website that provides information on all aspects of Caesarean Sections & VBACs while providing a warm atmosphere and plenty of reader communication."

Mayo Clinic: About C-section: Amazing and thorough examination of c-section birth and recovery. Starts with information about the operating room and carries you through recovery at home and breastfeeding. Authoritative content from a very trusted source.

International Cesarean Awareness Network, Inc. (ICAN) Online: a nonprofit organization that focuses on improving maternal-child health by preventing unnecessary cesareans through education, providing support for cesarean recovery, and promoting Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC). The site has extensive resources including statistics, white papers and a reading list. Also hosts a very active mailing list. Especially focuses on preventing c-sections and helping mom's navigate their way to a successful VBAC.

Birthrites Healing After Caesarean Inc: A site from an Australian non-profit group aiming to: "provide an emotional and physical support network for all women who've had a previous c/section....lobby to reduce the c/section rate and increase public awareness of the safety of VBAC/EBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean/Empowered Birth After Caesarean), by promoting ourselves within the health community.” This now defunct site (linked to via the InternetArchive WaybackMachine) has tons of information including info about healing, VBACs, planning a positive caesarean, support groups in Australia and much, much more. I especially like their booklet: Caesarean Birth: Making Informed Choices - it is very in-depth and has a wealth of information both about c-sections in general as well as specific tips for physical and emotional healing.

VeryWell: C-Section Recovery: Basic information about the first phases of c-section recovery. Nothing too in depth, but probably worth at least skimming to ensure that you have heard all this before.

Caesarean birth Guideline: Created by a branch of the UK NHS named NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence), this brochure (available as a PDF) includes more than 50 pages of extensive details on caesarean birth guidelines and standards of care. Especially applicable for those in the UK

Caesarian Tips And Advice (many short helpful tips): Great website with many short practical tips and answers to common questions about c-sections. I especially love the "Hospital Stay" and "Back at Home" sections. Take some time to read through their top tips and then explore the different sub topics that are of greatest interest to you.