Exercise After C-Section

When can I start exercising? This will depend on your body. Most doctors tell their recovering c-section mom's that they can start back at their regular activities after 6 weeks (again, please check with your own doctor). See the listings on this page for books and websites related to exercise after c-section. See more in the FAQ.

Exercise After Cesarean Delivery: What Is and Isn’t Safe: This web page about exercise after a c-section has been reviewed by a doctor. It includes information about how long to wait before you start, gentle exercises for the first six weeks, strength and cardio exercises, and exercises to avoid.

Recovery and Exercise After a C-Section: This web page is from a Canadian physiotherapy practice with locations in and near Toronto. The page covers some basics of do’s and don’ts for the first six weeks of your recovery. It also includes a downloadable six-week exercise guide.

Diastasis Recti: The Whole-body Solution to Abdominal Weakness and Separation: a separation of abdominal muscles are a common issue after a c-section. This book includes exercises and postural adjustments to help as well.

Lose Your Mummy Tummy: Written by R.N., personal trainer, fitness instructor and childbirth educator Julie Tupler it details how to get rid of you mummy tummy (her term). A fresh approach that actually explains why it is hard to get your tummy flatter after having a baby. Detailed photos showing how to do exercises. Includes a special section which addresses issues for those recovering from c-sections. I liked the tone of the book as well as the step by step approach. Instead of a laundry list of exercises to do, the book explains how to gradually work your way through the 'Tupler Technique'. Explains clearly why doing a million crunches *won't* get your tummy flat after you have had a baby.

Cesarean Recovery (written by a personal trainer) This book was written by a personal trainer and focuses on an exercise program to bring the post c-section mom from the hospital through to regaining her pre-pregnancy body. It also has brief sections on breastfeeding, emotional issues, and a basic overview of the surgery itself. Great (slightly dated) photos of women doing the exercises along with clear guidelines of when to progress to each level of exercise. Published in 2004.

Baby Om: Yoga for Mothers and Babies: Features an entire chapter (over 30 pages) focusing on special considerations for cesarean moms, this yoga class in a book is a great place to start if you like the idea of excercising with your baby - and if yoga is more your speed than more traditional gym class style calisthenics.